How it came about
Amanda Garnham first came to live in Gascony 17 years ago. She has four children and lives in the Gers in an old stone farmhouse surrounded by fields and vines and populated with numerous family pets including Peggy, a Vietnamese pot-belllied pig!
Glamour and Gumboots was originally the title for a book that Amanda was planning to write following her experiences of living here since her arrival in 1997. Needless to say, the book has yet to be penned and when it is, a new title will need to be found!
Glamour noun = charm, allure, appeal, attraction, beauty, betwitchment, enchantment, fascination, magnetism, prestige, ravishment, witchery.
Gumboots plural noun = rubber or water-repellent leather boots extending to the knee or somewhat below it.
One of her daugthers suggested using it as a title as it seemed to be an appropriate name for this new venture where visitors are invited to discover the truly authentic side of Gascony with its organically magical way of seducing travellers by putting them in touch with a raw and simple nature that surrounds them. Yet, this earthy, rustic face also rubs shoulders with glamour, and what more glamorous than one of the world's most noble and prestigious brandies, Armagnac? Couple that with the enchanting story of gallant swordsmen that once protected the King of France and the beautiful historical monuments and elegant châteaux.
Amanda has been working as the Press Attaché for the Armagnac bureau for the last twelve years, raising the profile of France's oldest brandy around the world with visiting international journalists, sommeliers, bartenders, buyers and importers. She also travels to many countries hosting master-classes for the professionals.